Fabiano Alborghetti

Fabiano Alborghetti

Fabiano Alborghetti was born in 1970. He lives in Paradiso (Lugano – Switzerland).

Publications as author:

  • Verso Buda (Faloppio, LietoColle, 2004)
  • L’opposta riva (Faloppio, LietoColle, 2006)
  • lugano paradiso – art-book – (Osnago, Pulcinoelefante, 2007)
  • Ruota degli esposti – art-book – (Mendrisio, edizioni fuoridalcoro, 2008)
  • dieci gennaio (non-trade edition, 2008)
  • Registro dei fragili – 43 Canti (Bellinzona, Casagrande, 2009)

As well as extensive contributions to Italian language literary journals his poems have been translated in Spanish, French, German, Arab, English, Turkish, Slovenian and Portuguese. Excerpts from his poetry have been included in over poetry anthologies.

Among his other published works are original plays, literary criticism and book reviews for periodicals, newspapers and internet media.

He’s the editor-in-chief for the Free Press series of Le Voci Della Luna publishing house and collaborates closely as consultant editor for the publishing house Kolibris. He’s also technical adviser for the limited edition poetry art-books Edizioni Fuoridalcoro.

In 2006 he created and still runs the monthly column Cercando l’oro della poesia (seeking for the gold of poetry) on the web journal www.tellusfolio.it

He created and runs the format La voce di Gwen (Gwen’s voice) on Radio Gwendalyn (the first web-radio of the italian part of Switzerland to be member of ASROC – (Association Suisse des Radios Online et du Cable)). La voce di Gwen is the only format promoting poetry on a web-radio in Switzerland.

Official representations:

  • 2008: he was invited by the Swiss international Consulate to represent Switzerland at the Other Words International Poetry Festival in San Francisco where, by invitation of the Italian Institute of Culture he also represented Italy at the VIII° Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo.
  • 2009: he was called to represent Switzerland in Slovenia at the Dnevi Poezjie in vina (Medana International Poetry Festival).
  • 2010: he was called to represent Switzerland at the Festival Internacional de Poesia de Medellin (Colombia).

Website: www.fabianoalborghetti.ch
Email: contact@fabianoalborghetti.ch

From: The Opposite Shore

There’re people hanging even from the ship’s masts
the stare that accuses and softens or won’t believe:
after the Italian shout the motor’s off and any sound

is absorbed in the pitching, to the motionless bodies: procedures he says
your laws always the same. Under escort into harbor
and then anchorage disembarkation straight to the pen to heap up

presences like goods in a warehouse. No more than a little he repeats
then you go home just as you came. You can’t see the number
you can’t even count how many legions per ship per day

hope for land and despite their pleas are cast back.

Fabiano Alborghetti
© Translation by Anthony Robbins

Da: L’opposta riva

C’è gente appesa perfino sui pali delle navi
lo sguardo che accusa e spunta o non crede:
dopo la voce italiana il motore spegne e qualunque suono

riassorbe fino al beccheggio, ai corpi fermi: procedure dice
le tue leggi uguali sempre. Sotto scorta fino al porto
e poi la fonda lo sbarco diritto fino al recinto a cumulare

le presenze come merce di stoccaggio. Non più di poco ripete
poi si rimpatria cosi come si arriva. Non si vede il numero
non si conta nemmeno quanta legione per nave al giorno

sperare la terra e nonostante le preghiere rimbalzare

© Fabiano Alborghetti

Published with the permission of Fabiano Alborghetti