Huseyin Hacihabiboglu was born in 1978 in Ankara, Turkey. He received his BS from METU and MSc from University of Bristol, both in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and his PhD in Computer Science from Queen’s University Belfast. He is currently a professor of signal processing at METU in Ankara, Turkey. Hacihabiboglu being almost a recluse in all of his creative endeavours including music, painting, prose and poetry, Drowned in Light is his first poem to be published.
Pleats of light
draped above the Princes’ Islands
as if to hide
the bodies of princes, concubines, fishermen drown’d.
The sky, the sea, the heart
seemingly alight
a thousand candles,
strands of hair
touching the face of the sea
painting it amber.

Poetry in this post: © Huseyin Hacihabiboglu
Published with the permission of Huseyin Hacihabiboglu