Achim Wagner

Achim Wagner

Achim Wagner was born in Coburg, Germany, in 1967 and now lives as a freelance author and literary translator in Ankara and Berlin. Achim Wagner has published a variety of books, most recently, the poetry volumes hafif coğrafya (“light geography”, Nika Publishing, Ankara 2013) and zwischen grün und halb sechs (“between green and five thirty”, hochroth Publishing, Berlin 2017). In 2016, he was guest author of the Istanbul Book Fair. Achim Wagner has received numerous literary awards, including the six-month Istanbul Fellowship of the NRW art foundation (2009) and geography travel scholarships for Cyprus (2017) and Turkey (2018) from the German Translators’ Fund.

Izmir a moment

Palm trees: keepers of exoticism
the constant sea
at the promenade of Konak
the skirt of a refugee woman
around the contours of her legs
her sandals eroded by distances

Poetry in this post: © Achim Wagner
Published with the permission of Achim Wagner