Mileva Anastasiadou

Mileva Anastasiadou

Mileva Anastasiadou is a neurologist, from Athens, Greece and the author of “We Fade With Time” by Alien Buddha Press. A Pushcart, Best of the Net, Best Microfiction and Best Small Fictions nominated writer, her work can be found in many journals, such as the Chestnut Review, trampset, the Bureau Dispatch, and others.

Our Days of Light and Love

We don’t need music,
we hear cicadas buzzing all day long,
sometimes even at night,
and this is the rhythm of life
we slowly build a melody upon.

We don’t need food,
we devour peaches over the kitchen sink,
or cherries and strawberry kisses,
and this is the sweetness
we slowly build our love upon.

We don’t need colors,
we are already drowning in shades of blue,
like blue is the sea and the sky and your eyes,
and this is the color palette
we slowly build our dreams upon.

We don’t need love stories,
we are already surrounded by endless hope,
the heat melting all fear,
and this is the love poem,
we slowly build our home upon.

Here we stand frail but fearless,
where time flows like time should,
and loneliness rides the waves,
and everything is easy and clear,
and light beats all darkness,
drills through our hearts,
soft like a summer breeze,
fierce like the sun,
tender like a lover’s touch,
intoxicating like love.

Poetry in this post: © Mileva Anastasiadou
Published with the permission of Mileva Anastasiadou